
FDG offer an Approved & Certified Fire Stop System

FDG and SNAP have partnered to provide a unique package of Fire Collars with advanced technology to suit every application.
From our rapid 3 minute closing, spring loaded FloorWaste and Stack Cast-In Fire Collars, to our flexible wall and floor Pipe Wraps, we can provide you with a fully approved and certified fire stop system for every project.

Floor Waste Application

The only one-piece floor waste approved fire collar, fully certified as per AS4072.1 & AS1530. Sizes 40-100mm PVC, HOPE, PPR.

Retrofit Fire Collars

Prevent the speed of fire where PVC & PE pipe are used, with Retrofit Collars. Available in two types, Floor Waste and Stack Work Application and sizes 32-315mm PVC, PE.

Cast-in Fire Collars

The only smoke & fire collar, with 4hr PVC & HDPE rated patented spring closure technology which closes the penetration in 1-3 minutes.

Gas Fire Collars

Revolutionary Velpex fire collars can be surface mounted and are specifically designed for use on gas pipe.

Need Something More Custom?

To assist with efficiency on site, strut can be cut to any required length to save time and increase productivity. FDG’s keeps you moving and making.